The Health Ministry Program was developed to meet the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of parishioners. Because healing and caring activities were part of the ministry of Jesus, they are part of the church’s ministries as well. Across the country, nurses are working in churches to help people improve the health of body, mind and spirit. As part of the church staff, our Parish Nurse provides a caring outreach by listening to needs and helping people connect with services.

Health Ministry Mission
The Parish Health Ministry enhances the caring community of The Church of St. Mary and it assists members in health promotion and illness concerns. This ministry is the responsibility of the Parish Nurse. The Parish Nurse is a registered nurse who is willing to work to promote the spiritual, emotional and physical well-being of parishioners.
Parish Health Ministries
Alexandria Area Support Group for Grieving Parents
4th Monday each month
6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
(320) 762-2320
Alomere Clinic Medical Conference Room
MS Support Meeting
2nd Monday each month
4:30 - 6:00 p.m
(May - October)
St. Mary's Church
(320) 762-2320
Health Care Directive
A health care directive is the plan you make for future health care. It is sometimes called an advance directive. In this plan, you explain your treatment choices. You may also name a person to make these choices for you if you can't make them yourself. This person is your health care agent.
For more information please call Kathy Fischer at (320) 808-7968.
Kathy is a certified advance care planning facilitator.
Parish Nursing Activities
The parish health ministry is not a substitute for pastoral care, medical care, community health nursing or social agencies. Rather The Church of St. Mary’s Parish Nurse Coordinator works in partnership with theses disciplines by undertaking the following activities:
Leading or arranging educational programs on health-related topics.
Providing health-wellness information
Promoting physical, emotional and spiritual well-being.
Referring parishioners to community resources and assisting them with understanding the health-care system.
Recruiting and coordinating volunteers within the congregation willing to assist others in need.
Discussing health concerns with parishioners; making home, hospital and nursing home visits.
The Parish Nurse Coordinator does not provide physical care, administer medication, draw blood or do other invasive procedures. She focuses on health promotion, not “hands on” physical care.