Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation (JPIC)


Aware of the gospel imperative to "Love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and to love your neighbor as yourself", which requires concern for all human beings, the people of the Church of St. Mary believe that the practice of social justice and charity are integral to our life as Catholic Christians.  Practicing charity and promoting social justice are responsibilities of our faith community.


The mission of the Committee for Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC), is to serve as a catalyst to empower our parish as the People of God to fulfill Jesus' teachings of love, justice, freedom and peace by communally responding in an organized way to societal and individual human needs, at both the local and global level.


The JPIC Committee will strive to assist the parish community to understand and act on Catholic Social Teaching.  This will be achieved by identifying, supporting, and training leaders who will organize people and activities around four specific, complementary ministries.

  • Direct Service - "Serving the least among us"
  • Legislative Advocacy - Advocating for Justice
  • Global Solidarity - Building Solidarity Beyond Parish Boundaries
  • Community Organizing - Organizing for Justice

The common theme that brings together these four main areas of social concerns is regular formation and reflection on Catholic social teachings (theological reflection).

Committee Chair: Rita von Holtum

Meeting Date:
2nd Wednesday of Month

Meeting Time:
1:30 PM

Helpful Links

Catholic Themes
Guatemala Trip
Fair Trade
Meeting Minutes
Peace Pole