Come to the Water Committees & Ministries

Area Catholic Community (ACC) Pastoral Council

The ACC Pastoral Council is the preeminent advisory body in the ACC. All other councils, boards, and commissions report and are held accountable to this council. It has a six-fold mission:

  • To be a sign of God’s Kingdom
  • To support the pastoral team
  • To study, reflect upon and pray about parish needs
  • To be a leader of mission
  • To be a reconciler
  • To coordinate and initiate activities and ministries


Any person who is a registered and confirmed member of St. Mary’s parish may be elected to the Council.

Jake Mach, Chair (SM)
Josh Waltzing (SM)
Rodney Roers
Adrian Panther
Leon Breun
John Loomis
Craig Highet (ICC)
Darcie Boogaard
Tonya Marthaler
Nathan Eisel
Evan Koering
Tim Baas

Parish Life Committee

The purpose of Parish Life is to promote hospitality through social events that welcome and include parishioners and build community so that we grow as a parish family.


Dan Eckstein

(320) 760-9447

Finance Committee

This is a mandated committee of the parish. It meets monthly to assist the pastor and the parish administrator with the decisions that affect the financial stability of the parish. The committee is composed of the pastor, parish administrator, two trustees, one liaison person from the Pastoral Council, and seven members who are appointed.


Craig Olson (St. Mary's)

(320) 763-4705

Liturgy Committee

The Liturgy Committee plans the music and written portions of the Masses.

Meeting Minutes


Luke Vanoverbeke

(320) 460-5339

Stewardship Committee

The Stewardship Committee focuses on educating parishioners about stewardship as a way of life through its Annual Stewardship Renewal each fall. Other learning opportunities are also offered to parishioners to encourage their sharing of time, talent and treasure. This committee meets monthly.

St. Mary's Stewardship Meeting Minutes

Immaculate Conception Stewardship Meeting Minutes


Ron Boyden, St. Mary

(320) 304-9209


Bev Paul, Immaculate Conception

(320) 815-2352

Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC)

JPIC assists the parish in understanding Catholic Social Justice Teaching by supporting, organizing, and training parishioners around these areas:

  • Direct service (charity)
  • legislative advocacy
  • global solidarity awareness
  • community organizing


Rita von Holtum


Sanctity of Life

The Sanctity of Life Committee is focused on the many aspects and concerns regarding the Sanctity of life.  There are activities planned and information available for all ages and walks of life.

Meeting Minutes


Francie Peterson

(320) 360-0325

Art & Environment

Volunteers who have a gift for artistic arrangements follow the Church guidelines in preparing the liturgical environment for the various church seasons.


St. Mary's Cemetery Committee

The Cemetery Committee meets periodically to plan, develop, operate, and maintain St. Mary’s Cemetery and mausoleums. St. Mary’s Parish pays for the upkeep of the cemetery through the sale of ground burial sites and the mausoleum and by cash donations.

St. Mary's Cemetery Meeting Minutes

St. Nicholas Cemetery Meeting Minutes


Jan Anderson

(320) 808-1536

St. Mary's Board of Education

This board works with the school principal, as well as faith formation staff, to oversee and advise Faith Formation, St. Mary’s School and all pre-school, sacramental preparation and adult faith formation.


Faith Formation Office

(320) 763-9202

School Office

(320) 763-5861

Eucharistic Adoration

Eucharistic Adoration is a powerful opportunity for growth in your spiritual life. We encourage you to prayerfully consider signing up for a one-hour per week time slot.

If you are interested in holding a weekly Holy Hour time slot, please contact Sue McCulloch at 320.491.7006 or



Sue McCulloch

(320) 491-7006

Alexandria, MN

420 Irving St., Alexandria MN

Weekend Mass:
Saturday 5:00 PM
Sunday 8:00 & 10:00 AM

Weekday Mass:
Monday 5:30 PM
Tuesday 8:30 AM
Wednesday 8:30 AM
Thursday 5:30 PM
Friday 8:30 AM

Osakis, MN

306 West Oak St., Osakis, MN

Weekend Mass:
Saturday 4:00 PM
Sunday 10:30 AM

Weekday Mass:
Thursday 9:00 AM
First Friday of the Month 8:00 AM

Carlos, MN

9473 Co Rd 3 NE, Carlos, MN

Weekend Mass:
Sunday 8:30 AM

Weekday Mass:
Wednesday 8:30 AM