Stewardship Participation Form Contact InformationName * Required First Last Address * Required Street Address City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Email * Required PhoneBest way to contact me * Required Phone Email Text Best time to contact me * Required a.m. p.m. Weekday Weekend Choose a New MinistryParish Committees Art & Environment Parish Festival Cemetery Cemetery Work Group (occasional) Justic, Peace and the Integrity of Creation Outdoor Grounds Assistance Sanctity of Life Group Parish Life Stewardship Adult Faith Formation Men's Bible Study, Thursday 6:00 AM Men's Bible Study, Wednesday 3:00 PM Women's BIble Study, Saturday or Wednesday mornings Zoom BIble Study, Tuesday 6:30 PM Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) Parish Library Spiritual Growth Opportunities Eucharistic Adoration Living Stations of the Cross Member of Prayer Link Marriage Encounter Community Sponsor Couple for Engaged Couples Pastoral Care Funeral Lunch Ministry Lay Pastoral Caregivers Nightingale Tribute Pens & Pals Outreach Programs Angel Tree Gift Delivery Caring & Sharing Room Coordinators Caring & Sharing Room Team Worker Community Thanksgiving Dinner Prayer Shawl Ministry Serve Coffee & Rolls after Mass Liturgical Ministries Altar Server - Weekend Altar Server - Daily Mass Altar Server - Funeral Mass Altar Server - Nursing Home Mass Extraordinary Minister of Communion- Weekend Extraordinary Minister of Communion - Homebound Extraordinary Minister of Communion - Nursing Home Extraordinary Minister of Communion - Funeral Mass Gift Bearer - Weekend Greeter - Weekend Greeter - Funeral Mass Hospitality Desk - Weekend Lector - Weekend Lector - Daily Mass Lector - Funeral Mass Sacristan - Weekend Sacristan - Daily Mass Sacristan - Funeral Mass Technology - AV Booth, Camera Technology - AV Booth, Projection Sllides Technology - AV Booth, Sound Usher - Weekend Music Ministries Adult Choir (college age+) Cantor/Psalmist Children's Choir (Grades K-6) Handbell Choir Instrumentalist Seasonal Choir - Sing at Christmas Mass Seasonal Choir - Sing during Holy Week/Easter Young Adult Choir (Grades 6-12) Please indicate Instrument(s): Supporting Organizations Christian Mothers Daughters of Isabella Knights of Columbus Mission Quliter Group St. Mary's School Lunch Helper Youth Faith Formation Child Care (for younger siblings, 1-2 x/month, 5:30-6:45 pm) Elementary Greeter (1-2 x/month, 5:30-6:45 pm) Elementary Kitchen Help (1-2 x/month, 5:30-6:45 pm) Middle School & High School Classroom Leader/Co-Leader (6:30-8:00) Middle School & High School Hall Monitor/Classroom Aid (6:30-8:00) Middle School & High School Office Help (6:30-8:00) Youth Ministry Help Rise & Shine Sundays (ages 4-k) Vacation Bible School Additional InformationComments or additional informationCAPTCHACommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.